How Microsoft and Casedoc are keeping courts in session

The world is changing faster than ever, and our
court systems can’t afford to slow down

There’s no other choice: courts need to go virtual to keep up

will operate more than half of workloads using hyperscale clod service providers.¹

report having some form of internet service at home.²

are actively pending cases due to the pandemic.³


Judges and courtrooms want hybrid court solution that can handle various types of hearings, workloads, and conditions, as well as integrate case files and documents.

Microsoft and Casedoc can help by providing trusted solutioins for hybrid court proceedings

Microsoft Teams allows everyone involved in judicial proceedings to connect and attend securely in one virtual location, no matter where they are.

Learn more about Teams

Casedoc Virtual Hearing provides dedicated attributes to a regular Teams meeting transforming it into a digital court session, allowing courts  to conduct it in compliance with judicial standards .

Learn more about Casedoc Virtual Hearing

Microsoft and Casedoc also save
court systems time and money

Teams leads to 17.7% faster decisions. 4

Faster decisions save an avarage of $451,273 over three years. 4

Teams enables an 18.9% average reduction in meetings per week. 4

Modernize your courts with Microsoft and Casedoc

Contact your local Microsoft account representative to start using Microsoft Teams or reach out Casedoc team to help you with Casedoc Virtual Hearings for next-level court solution experience.

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