paperless court management system casedoc

Transforming paper-based processes in the justice system is like putting together a big puzzle. Some people will piece the puzzle together faster than others. The faster one is going to draw more applause. The same applies in the process of piecing together a paperless court system in the justice sector. Those who are doing it better are going to maintain higher public trust and confidence.

The question is how do we make sure that we are picking up the right pieces of the puzzle? The answer is simple: by following the right priorities.

Every digital transformation strategy in the public sector is guided by priorities that are set up on central level. For instance, implementing court management software is guided by priorities set up by the Ministry of Justice. These priorities inform the decision making along the transformation process.

Just as knowing which parts of the puzzle are more important may help you figure it out faster, the same way the right set of priorities helps justice CIOs to achieve functional transformation in court management

Related: How to build a digital transformation strategy in justice

We selected a list of priorities for modernising the justice systems based on recommendations issued by the European Commission. They reflect the digital changes that are constantly taking place around us. Keeping those priorities in line with the evolving nature of judicial proceedings is crucial to ensure modern judicial culture, based on the rule of law and mutual trust.

Access to justice for everyone through accessible paperless court system

A digital justice systems must be accessible. More specifically, it means to include digital services that are on the basis of self-service and are personalized for the needs of the court users in the justice sector.Justice CIOs are responsible for ensuring the implementation of digital court management solution that will allow court users to access what they need at convenient way for them; without unnecessary costs and troubles.

Optimize judicial procedures by making them faster and smarter 

The digitalization of court management processes is more than just moving the workflow to a cloud. It’s about leveraging on technologies like AI and data-driven automation to reduce waiting time in courts and allow users to manage their time more efficiently.

For instance, AI in court scheduling can reduce the waiting time for court rooms. Digital submission of forms can save time and retire the queues in courthouses. Long story short, implementing a paperless court system with this priority in scope reduces court disruptions and improves the level of preparedness of court users.

Related: See how Casedoc is brining the power of AI to service in the courthous

Digitalization of court hearings and in-person appearances 

Court users are spending time and public resources because of procedures that require their appearance in the court rooms. But remote hearings in courtself-service and digital document management can change that. Thanks to this priority judiciary systems stands up to the challenges of the present by simply embracing the existing benefits of technology.

Always with focus on maintaining the public trust 

Last but not least, public trust is a priority that should always accompany government strategies. In 2021 almost everyone is using technology to automate repetitive tasks and optimise the use of time. That’s why everyone expects to face these technological benefits in every aspect of life. Public services must evolve in line with people’s expectations.

Even if it’s obvious that the public trust is always a priority, the focus on that should be kept on two fronts. The first front is the transformation of big judicial processes. The second front is when it comes to small processes. For instance, let’s imagine that we’re introducing remote hearings in the court room. But at the same time we’re leaving behind basic operations like document submission in their traditional paper-based form. This for sure is going to leave users with the sense that their expectations were not fully met.

If every aspect of life is being changed by digital transformation, government must adapt their judiciary systems to that. 


Implementing a paperless court system is not an easy thing. But setting up the right priority is. There are hundreds of roadmaps that may lead to successful digital transformation in justice. But the right set of priorities will help institutions to get there faster. Do you want to learn more about court management transformation? Drop us a note and we’ll consult you. 


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