
Fully configurable Court Management system to integrate with various processes and types of organizations such as Public Judicial Bodies, Independent Court Institutions and Resolution Committees.

General Jurisdiction Courts

Casedoc support General Jurisdiction Courts with end-to-end solution from pre-trial process to judgement to the post-trial process


The complete calendar feature has two core functions: 1) to show the upcoming schedule, and 2) to prompt users with reminders of important events. 

It promotes a balanced workflow enabling users to review various time points, such as a specific day, week or month. 

With a single click, users can verify if a particular date is being linked to a case file, courtrooms and personnel. Being available within the system and supporting Outlook integration, it optimizes the overview for users, specific groups and supervisors.

Judge Allocation

Intelligent algorithms ensure impersonal judge allocation to guarantee objective case proceedings.

The Casedoc software development emphasises clearly identifying and responding to risks to minimize any attempts of intentional malicious interruption of judicial cases that would in any way affect or influence in the outcome of cases. With Casedoc we aim to ensure transparency and impartiality in the allocation of judges.

Granular Security

Casedoc is based on the most stringent requirements for security of data. Item level access control is supported, allowing control of access to information on contacts, workflow and documents.

The Casedoc system makes it possible to implement “firewalls” between departments, where only specified business processes and document templates are accessible and visible to the user.

The safety of data in Casedoc meets the strictest security standards and is regularly audited by security experts.

End-to-end Court Management

Casedoc offers a turnkey solution for Court Management which is easy to implement and built on the latest cloud technology 

Specialized Court

Casedoc is entitled to adjust to specific court operations regardless of court institution type they are in effect – Labour or Military or other

Flexible Configuration

The solution was designed and built specifically to address the requirements of complex and compliant focused processes, diverse user populations, security standards, scalability, performance, and integration with numerous other systems.

Process Rules Engine

Casedoc Process Rules Engine dictates the flow of cases and attainment time for each step in the procedure. The Rules Engine optimizes the judicial process and gives clear and transparent information about performance and possible bottlenecks in different case types.

Language Support

Casedoc solution is based on modular design, including language. Contextual phrasing within each language is also supported as terms and phrases differ between court establishments and their units.

Unlimited number of case types

Casedoc offers organizations the ability to create as many case types as desired regardless of processes complexity.

Casedoc for Mediation and  Arbitration

Whether you are Court of Arbitration or settle disputes, before it goes to the General Jurisdiction Courts, Casedoc has the solution for you. 

Effective Collaboration

All involved stakeholders are up-to-date in the process and can contribute to the case at any stage and any time.

Seamless integration

Whether you need to share documents or integrate with financial apps for collecting data, Casedoc makes it easy by integrating with key applications.

Task Management

Casedoc helps teams to better organize calendar, tasks and responsibilities. Notifications are sent to related parties so everyone are in line with current case status.

Expanding features sets

Casedoc comes with predefined feature set which is designed for institutions basic needs.  Smart modules activation enables organizations to expand their current features set by executing just few simple actions.

Prosecution Services & Investigative Bodies

From small teams to large departments units, end-to-end solutions for the entire process flow

Easy setup process

You can be up and running within few hours.

For any type

Casedoc solution applies for all types of resulution committess or investigation teams.

Build for scale

Designed to fit both small teams of 10-20 users and larger teams of up to thousands of users.

Select the features you need

Whether you need basic case types and workflow, task management, scheduling and publishing verdict, Casedoc is a solution which may be configured and adapted according to particular needs and requirements of either small or large organizational units.

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